Your Comprehensive User Guide

Step-by-Step Instructions for Application Usage

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Overview of Reports

  • Download reports of various entities such as companies, contacts, lists, beats, deals and products, at your finger tips.
  • Firstly, in the menu bar, click on the reports


  •  If the option of reports in the menu bar is not visible to you, it is because of the permissions, kindly contact your admin to get access of reports.
  • Currently, reports are delivered via email for your convenience. You won't be able to download them directly from the Reports section at this moment.

  • Now, click on the respective entity, of which which you would like to download the report.
  • A popup appears, asking you to confirm whether to export the respective report.
  •  Once your report is prepared, we'll send the report  directly to your inbox.
  • You can also download the reports by going to specific page of that entity and you will see icon to export the reports.
  • Suppose you would like to download the report of contacts, then click the icon that looks like an icon mentioned in below screen.

Reports Overview

Download Reports effortlessly!

Download a List

  • Beside that there is a download button which helps to download all the lists.
  • On clicking the download button a confirmation pop up comes over, before downloading the whole list.
  • On clicking EXPORT the list download will get added to the queue.
  • And after some time the list of lists are sent to the email in a pdf format.

How to Download a List

Step by Step guide- Download a list

How to edit a list

  • On clicking the edit icon beside every list, a list can be edited.
  • On clicking the EDIT icon the list will be opened in an editable form like below.
  • On clicking the filter icon filters screen will get added with the prefilled filters which are applied when the list was created.
  • The list can be updated with required filters or by uploading a csv file.
  • It clearly shows the number of results in the list before and after update.
  • On clicking the SAVE button the list gets updated with the latest filters.

How to Edit a List

Edit a list effortlessly

Delete a List

  • Firstly, Go to Lists.
  • On clicking the delete icon on each row of the lists we can delete individual lists.
  • But before deleting a list it asks for the confirmation for deleting the list permanently.

How to Delete a List

Delete a List Effortlessly

Navigation to Lists

  • Lists are a collection or group of companies or contacts together.
  • This helps to maintain similar or frequently used companies or contacts at one place which can be accessed easily to create activities.
  • In the lists page search enables you to search for any particular list with its name quickly.

Creating New List

  • Beside the download icon there is an ADD button, which helps to create a new list.
  • On clicking the ADD button a pop up comes over for the name of the list and the type of the list.
  • After giving a name and selecting the list type, the SUBMIT button should be clicked to move forward.
  • After clicking SUBMIT a screen will be shown like this.
  • Here at the right side there are filters which are applicable to the list type which was selected before between companies and contacts.
  • Initially all the companies or contacts are shown in the right side box without any filters.
  • When you start applying any filters the right side data will be updated based on the filters.
  • After you get all the required companies or contacts by applying filters, clicking the CREATE button creates the list with the selected filters and the data.
  • Along with this there is an UPLOAD button which can be seen, using which we can upload a csv file which contains required companies or contacts.
  • Doing this we can create a list of selected companies or contacts without filters.
  • Here first we can download the format of the csv file.
  • Then we add the required data in the csv file and can upload it here.
  • Then we can choose options from ADD, REPLACE and REMOVE.
  • ADD: this action adds the csv data to the list directly.
  • REPLACE: this action replaces the data from the list with the csv uploaded data.
  • REMOVE: this action removes the data from the list which matches the data with the csv file which is uploaded.
  • The REPLACE and REMOVE are mostly used when editing a list.

List Details

  • On clicking any of the list row or the icon shown below, can see the details of the list.
  • On clicking the square box in the header section we can select the page or the total results.
  • On selecting required results we can perform any required action on the selected companies or contacts.

How to Create and Access a List

Creating Lists Made Simpler: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to View and Edit your Organization Details

You can view and edit your Organization details from within your admin settings  page.

  • Click on settings icon, inorder to navigate to admin settings page and then click on organization details.

NOTE: Organization Details can only  be changed by a user , who has been assigned with role of[ADMIN] 

View Organization Details:

  • You can view the organization details on the screen, similar to the below screen.

Edit Organization Details

  • Click on the edit button, which is present in the right side of the screen.
  • You can update all the fields that are present under details, such as organization size, industry, sub industry, Annual Revenue, Time zone, Time Format, Date Format and  change your organization profile picture.

You can update all the fields that are present under details, such as organization size, industry, sub industry, Annual Revenue, Time zone, Time Format, Date Format and  change your organization profile picture.

After you click on the edit button, you will be directed to edit page (similar to below attached screen ), where you can edit your organization details.

  • Click on fields, which you would like to change and type or select the value respectively.
  • Click on the Update Details Button.
  • Once it is successfully updated, You will be redirected to view details page, with a successful toast message.

How to View and Edit your Organization Details

Step by Step to View and Edit Organization detail

Configure Activities

You can view and  configure activities  from within your admin settings  page.

  • You can find Activities section, similar to screen found below in admin settings.
  • You can configure activity forms, that needs to be filled when an activity is finished, suppose you are going to create a field visit, before creating a task, you need to create respective form so that, user gets it to fill when he records a field visit, in similar way you can create form for, Calls, Meetings.
  • You can also add a field visit, call and meeting directly from here.

  • Suppose, you would want to add a call ,you can click on Call card and then you will be directed to calls configuration page.

Activites Overview

Overview of different Activities

You can view and  configure activities  from within your admin settings  page. 


Activities can be configured  by a  user, if  user is assigned with role [ADMIN]

In activities section, you can configure activities (such as fieldvisit, calls, and meetings), you can add a task that has been finished or is going to be accomplished in future, task can be a field visit, making a call or a meeting.

  • You can view the activities section in admin settings page.

View an Activity Configuration Details:

  • Click on the Activity Configurations card.
  • By default, you will see three activity configurations done for Field visit, Calls, and Meetings. You can add a custom configuration for a respective activity, by clicking on the add button.
  • Click on the ‘>’ symbol present in the respective row of the activation configuration, or click on row, to view the configuration details.
  • You would see a screen like mentioned below,with respective configured data.

Add an activity Configuration

  • Click on the add button, present in the top right side of the activities configuration screen.
  • You would be directed to an activity configure page(similar to screen given below).
  • You can add different constraints, such as adding different initiators, you can configure who can be the participants and configure details like adding a form, which is  filled after the activity is finished.
  • Forms, that are shown in the dropdown, is the list of forms that you can create in forms, which is present in  CRM Modules and Automations section.

How to View, Configure activities for your Contacts and Companies

View and Configure activities from within your admin settings easily

Accessing Forms

  • To access different forms in the Thriwin portal head over to the admin settings and in CRM modules and automations you can find forms.
  • Once you click on the forms section this will give a list of all the forms that are created in the organization. This forms can be customizable by admin. We can also add new forms from this section by clicking on the add button.
  • Then form name is asked in a popsection and after submitting that it will take you to the form builder section where you will be able to create a new form by selecting which type of fields will be there in the form.
  • In this screen we are able to see all types of fields that can be added in the form like text-field,email,date,drop-down,etc

Types of Form fields

Text field

  • When adding a  text-field we are able to add the label field which will be the name of the field while filling the form what type of information should be filled in the field.
  • There are other options as well like placeholders which will help the user for more information on what to fill that text-field.
  • Admin can also restrict the in the text-field for how many characters the field should be limited to if admin does not give any restriction it will be 256 character limit as default.
  • Default values for fields can also be given by admin which is optional.
  • Admin can mark these fields as required so that this will become mandatory while filling the form and also mark these fields as unique so that they should be unique throughout all form submissions.

Date field

  • Date field is to take date input from the user who are filling the form.
  • There are extra options as well in dates like can past date be filled, which is allowing only future dates from form filing otherwise past dates are also allowed.

Radio field

  • While the user fills these options only one of the options can be selected by the user.
  • There are extra options for the radio field like addition of options which will be visible while using these fields in the form so that the user can select one of these.
  • Admin can also decide upon whether these options can be vertically aligned or horizontally aligned.

Check box field

  • When a user can be given an option for selecting multiple options from the list of options this field is used.
  • This will have similar options as the radio field.

Drop down

  • Users can select one of the options from these drop down options which can be customisable.
  • Admin can add his own options similar to radio field for these dropdown options.
  • Admin can select the “lookup” option which will be a list of dropdown types which can be added from admin settings.


  • Taking input for mail from the user of the form.
  • It has similar attributes as a text field.

Mobile number

  • Taking the phone number input from the user of the form.
  • It has similar attributes as a text field.

File upload field

  • Any file uploading in form will be collected from this field.
  • There are extra options like size of the file that is being uploaded can be restricted and type of files that can be uploaded can also be restricted.

Number field

  • For collecting only number characteristics from users.
  • There are extra options like max and min number restrictions which can be used.

Toggle field

  • For collecting just true or false information from users.
  • Limited options like mandatory or not.

Text Area

  • Which is for collecting more information on single data input.
  • Limited options like mandatory or not.

Create Custom Form

Create forms, and embed it in landing pages, Companies, Contacts, Calls, field Visit and many more places.

Customize User Form fields

  • You can customize the user fields by going to the admin settings and click on the user configurations and click on user as shown below:
  • You can view the already existing user fields as below:
  • If you want to customize then click on the customize icon, then in next page you can see the page builder where you can add a new field or update the existing fields.
  • For an example I am adding a text field then click on text field and give the details of new fields and should make it as required field and in the middle if you are creating a new field then for already existing users what default value should be set also should be given:
  • After giving the details click on save as shown below:
  • Then after saving this fields will be seen in the user creation or form updation, from next time onwards as shown below:

How to Customize the User Form fields

Customize the User Form fields

View User Permissions

  • For admin users hierarchy is not followed but for staff users hierarchy is followed.
  • Click on View button, now you can see a screen similar to below.

Edit User Permissions


        Only a user with ADMIN(role) can edit user permissions.

  • Click on edit user permissions to edit groups and permissions to a user.
  • A user can select only one group at a time, edit group or permissions.
  • Groups edit is like below, after selecting the group click on submit to assign group to you:
  • You can edit user permissions and click on submit to save and assign permissions to you:

View and Edit User Permissions

Viewing, editing User Permissions made easy

Search a user

After creating the user, you can view the user in the user list ,you can search the user with its name as shown below.

Sort the User List

Note: You can sort the user list with respective one column at a time. If sorting is set on one column, then if you try to sort using another column, you will find that sorting gets applied on the latest picked column and sorting that has been previously applied on another column, gets removed.

  • In the header, you can see the arrow marks, you can sort the list with respective to the column chosen. If either of the arrows are not highlighted, that means no sort order is applied on the column.
  • In the header, you can see the upper arrow mark is highlighted, that means sort order is set in descending order.
  • In the header, you can see the  downward arrow mark is highlighted, that means sort order is set in ascending order.

Filter a User List

  • You can apply user filters like department filters and manager, approved mail and approved mobile number by clicking on the filters icon and filters will be as shown, we can apply filters as shown:
  • After applying the filters we will get the users list who are having the given departments and aaron ross as manager as shown below:
  • You can reset the filters and apply new filters like below.

How to Search, Sort and Filter a User list

Step by Step guide to filter User list effortlessly

View User Details

  • For admin users hierarchy is not followed but for staff users hierarchy is followed.
  • Click on view user details and you can see user details as shown:

How to View User Details

Step by Step guide to view User details

Edit a User Details

  • You can edit the user details or edit user permissions
  • Click on edit icon for editing the particular user
  • Click on edit user then edit the user details:

Some conditions regarding editing user should be followed:

  • If you are admin then you cant edit your active status as it will deactivate your account.
  • By default two groups are created to tenant , they are staff and admin groups.
  • If you edit role then the corresponding group is assigned to you by default ,if you want to edit it then you can go to the edit user permissions and can edit permissions and groups.
  • While editing manager, then you cant select yourself as your manager or you cannot select your child users as manager.
  • Edit user form will be as shown below, update the form and submit the form to save details.

How to Edit a User

Step by Step guide to edit User Details

Add User

  • In the dashboard, extend the menu and click on user management icon.
  • You can create users by clicking on the add icon as shown below.

You can create users by three ways:

  • User invitation by email
  • Entering User Details
  • Copy URL

Invite User with Mail

  • If you click on invite with email ,you can invite the user using his mail as shown below.

Some conditions need to follow while giving the mail.

  • If you give the same mail which is not registered yet then if the link is active then the same link is sent, if the link is expired then new link is sent.
  • If you give the email which is already registered then error will come , by saying the mail already existed.
  • At a time only one link will be active for given mail.
  • Sample email invitation for user registration is shown as above.
  • An email with a registration link is sent to the user.
  • If you click on that link then it will redirect to the user registration page as shown below, where user tenant information will be seen and the mail will be prefilled.
  • You have to enter your name and mobile number if needed and then click on next then it will redirect you to OTP screen ,after entering OTP then ,it redirects to products page then click on products page.
  • OTP form is as below
  • Products page will be as below:
  • After clicking on products, it will redirect to the form to enter some basic details.
  • Enter details and click on submit.
  • After that it will redirect you to CRM/compliance and logins you ,so that you can use the features.
  • You can start onboarding and create deals, contacts and companies.

Enter User Details

  • You can click on enter user details shown below.
  • Then it redirects you to the user creation form where you can give basic details like name and email ,and you can view extra fields by clicking on the view optional fields.
  • Mandatory fields should be filled, they are represented with star mark, if you don't fill mandatory fields ,you cannot submit the forms, if you don't give any role, then the staff role is default set to you.
  • If you enter the already existing mail then it will ask you to enter another gmail as shown in below.
  • While user creation you can select any user as manager.
  • After entering the details click on submit ,or if you want to add the another user then click on save and add new.
  • After user creation you will get the user created successfully prompt.

Copy URL and share

  • If you click on the copy URL then URL will de displayed ,you can share this URL to anyone to register them as a user.

Some key points regarding the copy URL

  • If the registration limit of the URL exceeds then a new URL is generated.
  • If the URL gets expired then new URL is generated.
  • At a time only one active URL will be available for sharing.
  • You can click on copy link to copy link to clipboard.
  • The sample copy url is as shown below:
  • If you click on link then it redirects to registration page where only you can see the organization details and you have enter name,email and mobile number if needed as mobile number is not mandatory.
  • Then it redirects you to the OTP form and it redirects to the products page ,select any product and then it redirects to user form fill the basic user details then it creates a account to you and logins you into portal and you can start onboarding and start creating deals, contacts and companies.
  • OTP form is like below, enter OTP and click on verify:
  • Products page is like below, select any product:
  • User form is like below enter the user details and click on submit.
  • After that it logins into your account and you can start onboarding.

How to Add a User

Step by Step guide to add a user

Edit a Beat

  • An already created beat can be edited to modify the schedule or to remove/add the tasks in the beat.
  • On clicking the EDIT button shown above, the screen will be navigated to a beat edit screen where the beat schedule details and the tasks in the beat are shown to edit.
  • After updating required schedule details and the tasks on clicking Save button will update the beat.
  • The tasks in the beat are created according to the updated beat.

How to Edit a Beat

Editing a beat made easy with Step by Step guide

Deactivate a Beat

  • Deactivating a beat is temporarily deactivating a beat which stops the creation of the tasks in the beat from the beat deactivated date.
  • Already created tasks from the beat are not affected with this action.
  • The future tasks will not be created on beat deactivation.
  • On clicking the Deactivate button shown above will help to deactivate a beat.
  • Before performing deactivation this action will show a confirmation popup.
  • On clicking DEACTIVATE , the beat will be deactivated and the status of the beat will be updated in the beats list page.


  • Similarly a beat can be reactivated with the same procedure.
  • On clicking the Activate button shown above, a beat can be reactivated and the tasks in the beat will get resumed from the day of the beat reactivation.
  • The beat status will be updated accordingly.

How to Activate and Deactivate a Beat

Step by Step guide to activate and deactivate a beat

Download Beats

  • On clicking the download button shown below, we can download the list of beats.
  • On clicking the DOWNLOAD button a confirmation pop up is shown before downloading the beats list.
  • On clicking EXPORT the downloaded excel file with all the beats will be sent to the registered email in a few minutes.

How to Download Beats

Step by Step Guide to download beats

Beats Overview

  • Beat is a defined schedule with required frequency, which can be used for creating or scheduling activities in a recurring manner.
  • Beats helps to create multiple activities in a recurring manner instead creating each activity manually.
  • Beats are similar to schedules, but a beat can be assigned to a single user unlike schedules.
  • On clicking Beats from the side menu, we can see the list of beats which are created.

Beat Details

  • On clicking any of the beat rows or selecting the view option from clicking the three dots the details of the beat can be seen.
  • On clicking the VIEW button, the beat details along with the tasks associated with the beat are shown.

In Beat details there are two sections:

  • First one is Beat Details, which shows the schedule related information which is used to create the beat.


  • Second one is Tasks, this shows the list of tasks associated with the beat.
  • Deleting a task from the beat is done here.
  • The delete button associated with each of the activity will help to delete the activity.
  • On clicking the Delete icon show below
  • This will ask for a confirmation before deleting the activity permanently from the beat.
  • Deleting a task from beat will not affect the already completed tasks but will not create the new tasks after deleting.

How to Access Beats

Step by Step guide to access beats

Adding New Beat

  • Adding a new beat is creating a schedule as required and adding tasks in the beat.
  • On clicking the ADD button we can add a new beat.
  • On clicking the ADD button, the screen will be navigated to beat addition which consists of two sections.
  • First one is schedule information for the beat.
  • In this section the schedule information is taken, the summary of the schedule is shown at the end in Summary.
  • In the second section the task addition to the beat is done.
  • On clicking the Add Task button a popup is opened which takes the task information
  • We can add multiple participants at a time to create activities with all the participants.
  • We can use LISTS here.
  • On selecting lists from entities and selecting a required list in participants will create the activity individually with all the members in the list.
  • After clicking on the Add button, all the added tasks will be shown in the Tasks section.
  • After all the tasks are listed as above, we can delete a task if not necessary in the beat from here.
  • On clicking the delete icon beside every task, a task can be deleted from the beat.
  • Before deleting the task a confirmation pop up is shown.
  • After adding all the required tasks, clicking on the SUBMIT button creates the beat with the tasks added.
  • Beat can be used to schedule different activities to different contacts / companies.
  • You cannot assign duplicate i.e.; same activity and same entity like company or contact to same user for a beat

How to Create a Beat

Creation of a beat made simple - Step by Step Guide

Access Schedule

  • Schedules are the defined routines which can be used to create recurring activities.
  • The Schedules page shows the list of default and created schedules.
  • By default THRIWIN provides 6 schedules which are repeated for every day in a week.

Adding Schedule

  • On clicking the ADD button the screen navigates to the schedule screen where we can select the schedule accordingly and submit.

Editing Schedule

  • On clicking the edit button in the schedule, which is shown in below.
  • The same schedule screen will appear with filled details of the schedule which we are editing.
  • We can change the required fields and click SAVE to edit the schedule.

Configuring Schedule

  • Configuring a schedule is like editing the schedule if necessary and giving it a required name and adding tasks to that schedule.
  • A schedule can be configured with many users.
  • With this the tasks get created according to the schedule.
  • The settings icon provided for every schedule is for configuring the schedule.
  • On clicking the settings icon it navigates to a screen where the schedule information along with task addition is shown.
  • The schedule can be edited if required.
  • On clicking the Add Task button a pop is shown to add required fields to the task.
  • After adding the required number of tasks in the schedule, the tasks will be shown like this.
  • After adding all the tasks and on clicking SUBMIT, the configuration of the schedule gets completed.
  • This will create a new beat in the Beats page and the tasks will get created according to the schedule.
  • The scheduled tasks are shown in the TIMELINE accordingly.

Access and Manage Schedule

Right from configuring a schedule to accessing -Step by Step Guide

How do I schedule a call/meeting in the CRM

  • To schedule a call/meeting, go to the + button at the top of the navigation bar and click on the "Call/Meeting" button.
  • Fill in the required details such as date, time, participants, and agenda.
  • Click "Save" to confirm the scheduling.

How to instantly call a specific person

  • Go to specific contacts/companies and click on call symbol.

How can I join a scheduled call/meeting

  • You can join a scheduled call/meeting by accessing the calendar or schedule section in the CRM.
  • Click on the specific call/meeting you want to join and select the "Join" option.

How do I track call/meeting activities and follow-ups

  • All call/meeting activities and follow-ups are logged automatically in the CRM.
  • Navigate to the main timeline or timeline of the respective contact, lead, or opportunity to view the details.

How do I get analytics of calls and meetings

  • Go to the calls and meetings section and then navigate to a particular call or meeting detail then click generate analytics.

Calls Overview

Step by Step Guide- Scheduling Calls & Meetings made Simpler

Mailbox settings

  • When you click on the mailbox settings you can see all your integrated mails the mail which you have connected.
  • You can also add another mail by clicking on the add button and connect another mail account.

Mail actions

  • There are different actions available for each mail you connected.
  • When you click on the three dots you can see all the actions
  • Mark as Inactive: when you mark the mail as inactive ,you won’t be able get the replies and messages for the mail you made inactive and you won’t be able to sync the mail.

Mail box Settings

Configure your mail box-Clear Step by Step guide

Mailbox Addition

  • The first screen that is visible to the user if he has not connected any email. The user can proceed to add any mailbox that they require by just pressing the card in which their email belongs and follow the necessary steps and accept every permission.
  • In case of other mailboxes the user can proceed by submitting the below form.
  • The required form-fields are:-
  • Email - the email id of the user.
  • Username - the name user wants to be displayed.
  • Password - The password field requires app password and not the regular login password. For example you can generate one for gmail here.
  • Imap server - The IMAP(Internet Message Access Protocol) server id of the mail provider. For example the imap server of gmail is “”.
  • Imap port - The IMAP(Internet Message Access Protocol) port number of the mail provider, most of the time it is 993 but please check the documents of your mail provider.
  • Smtp Server - The SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server id of the mail provider. For example the SMTP server of gmail is “”.
  • Smtp port - The SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) port number of the mail provider, most of the time it is 587 but please check the documents of your mail provider.

Mailbox Addition

Step by Step guide to add mailbox

How to Sync Mails

  • When you click on sync mail you will receive all the replies, messages from the mails you connected. Any incoming emails will show up as an unread email with a blue dot to the right of the email.

What messages will be pulled?

  • Replies for emails that you have sent.
  • Emails you have sent to your contacts or users across the tenant from the respective email client.
  • Emails that any of your contact or user across the tenant has sent you and you are part of the message, i.e. recipient, Cc or Bcc.

How to Sync Mails

step by step guide to sync mails

Following a thread

  • Below screen is the default look of your mailbox.
  • The options in this screen are as follows.
    • Sent - All the emails that you have sent will show up in this tab, the unread emails will be denoted with a blue indicator on the right.
    • Inbox - All the emails that you have received will show up in this tab, the unread emails will be denoted with a blue indicator on the right.
    • Trash - The emails that you have manually moved to trash in the CRM portal will display in the trash tab.
    • Sync - The refresh icon to the right of the screen is used to sync the mailboxes, which will pull any new email you might’ve received and send you a notification.
    • Mark Read - The icon next to sync can be used to mark any email as read. You can check any number of emails and click this button to mark them as read.
    • Trash - The icon next to mark read can be used to move emails to trash. You can check any number of emails and click this button to move them to Trash.
    • Filter - The filter on the top right corner of the screen can be used to filter the emails based on your connected mailboxes.
  • Settings - The mail settings button is just next to the filter icon will open the settings page which has been discussed in detail here.

Reply to a Mail

  • Now let’s look at the message details in a thread as shown in the screenshot below.
  • The mails in a thread appear in descending order, that is the recent mail is shown on top followed by older mails. The “Subject” of the email is shown on top and next to it you can reply or reply all to the last mail by clicking on the arrow buttons in blue. Alternatively you can reply or reply all to individual mails by clicking the arrow icons next to the email.
  • Reply - Replying to only the sender of an email.
  • Reply All - Replying to all participants including Cc users but not Bcc users.

Following a Thread

from navigation to replying a mail-we got you covered everything

    How to Compose a Mail

    • You can click on the compose button, present at top left side of the screen to start composing an email.
    • Alternatively as displayed in below screen, you can also start composing an email by clicking the Add Activities > Mail on the toolbar to start composing an email.
    • Similar to screen mentioned below, a pop up shows up when clicked on compose mail, the required fields are as follows:-
    • From - The “from” field is used to select the email id from which you intend to send the email, the selection will be from the list of emails that you have connected.
    • To - The “To” field is used to select the user to whom you want to send the email, you will be able to search all the users in the tenant and contacts assigned to you. Alternatively you can also just type the email of any user if they do not exist in the CRM system.
    • Cc - The “Cc” field is used to select the user to whom you want to send the email as a carbon copy, you will be able to search all the users in the tenant and contacts assigned to you. Alternatively you can also just type the email of any user if they do not exist in the CRM system.
    • Bcc - The “Bcc” field is used to select the user to whom you want to send the email as a blind carbon copy, you will be able to search all the users in the tenant and contacts assigned to you. Alternatively you can also just type the email of any user if they do not exist in the CRM system.
    • Subject - The “Subject” field is used to describe the subject regarding which you are sending the particular email.
    • Body - The “body” field is used to describe the contents of the email. Also it comes with a few formatting options like Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Number list and Bullet list respectively.
    • Attachment - The paperclip icon in blue can be used to add any attachments to your email, you can select any file from your system to be sent as an attachment as seen in the screenshot below.
    • Signatures - The pencil icon at the bottom can be used to select signatures as can be seen in the screenshot below.

    How to Compose an Email

    Step by Step Guide

    Apply Filter

    • Click on the filter icon, which is present at top, right side.
    • Now, fill the fields with which you want to filter the list.
    • Click on Apply.

    Filter Timeline

    viewing specific data made easy

      Overview of Timeline

      • It is a place where all the activities performed across the platform are shown with their respective status.
      • In the timeline page there are two sections.
      • First one is the tasks section which by default shows all the tasks of today irrespective of their status.
      • All these tasks are shown according to the time they are scheduled or completed.
      • Another section is the OVERDUE section where all the overdue tasks of the user from the date on which the user joined the platform are shown.
      • All overdue tasks are also shown according to the date and time on which they are scheduled but did not complete from the latest.
      • In the timeline there is a calendar, which can be used to select the required date to view tasks on that particular date.
      • Also the date selection in calendar effects only today's tasks but not the overdue which are fixed for the user till date.
      • There is a filter icon beside the calendar , on clicking open a pop up which contains different fields.

      Overview Of Timeline

      Step by Step Guide to leverage Timeline

      How to Filter

      • We provide various ways to filter the deals as per your convenience . 
      • Click on the filter icon beside the search bar.
      • Fields you can filter upon are
      • Now you can filter deals on name , pipeline , stage etc
      • Let's quickly try to filter deals that are in commercial stage of default pipeline ,
      • Click on apply on the top right , to apply the filter.
      • Here you go , now you are viewing the deals that are in commercial stage of default pipeline.

      How to Filter the Deals

      Apply filters to see the specific deals data of your choice

      How to Sort

      • There is a sorting icon , you can see after every field name in the header
      • When you click on that , you could see the whole list is sorted based on that specific field.
      • Remember at any given point of time , you can only sort the list based on a single field.
      • Again clicking on the button , sorts the list in reverse order.

      How to Search

      • On the top of the list , you can see a search bar - Enter the deal name , while you enter we precise the list according to the value in the search bar.

      How to Search, Sort the Deals List

      Exploring the Deals with Search and Sort Operations

      Kanban View

      Implementing Kanban for deals involves visualizing and managing your sales opportunities through a Kanban board. This board typically consists of columns representing different stages in your sales process, and each deal is represented by a card that moves across these columns as it progresses.

      You can

      • ​​Move deal cards between columns with a simple drag-and-drop action as they advance through the sales stages.
      • Easily visualize the overall progress of deals and identify potential bottlenecks or areas for improvement.
      • Clicking on a deal card reveals more detailed information, allowing users to access crucial data without navigating away.

      On the top left corner , you can find a toggle that toggles the view between list and kanban of the deals.

      By default , we show all deals’ progress according to the default pipeline , if you want to view the progress through the custom pipeline , you can click on the default & custom pipeline toggle .

      You can still apply the filters in the kanban view as shown above.

      Leverage Deals with KanbanView

      Manage deals like a pro!

      A pipeline is a visual representation of the stages a potential deal progresses through in the sales process.

      Add Pipeline

      Note : Only Admins can add a pipeline.

      • Go to admin settings , you can find it in the sidebar . Click on the pipeline card.
      • You can click on the ADD in the interface , click on it.
      • Here is the interface for creating the pipeline , you have a input box where you enter the pipeline name and using ADD STAGE button to add new stages .
      • We made it mandatory to mark ( any 2 ) stages in your custom pipeline as ‘demo’ & ‘commercial’ , so that we can still view its progress in our default pipeline.
      • Enter deal stages , hit the ‘submit’ button . That's it ! We have created a pipeline.
      • You can still edit ,deactivate the pipeline after you have hit the submit button .
      • Now that we have created new ‘Sales pipeline’ pipeline , we will try adding a deal in this pipeline.
      • Here you can the pipeline you have created earlier Sales Pipeline’.
      • You can create a deal , as mentioned above.

      Note :

      • Consider the pipeline carefully before creating a deal, as once it's created, you won't be able to edit the pipeline. Choose the appropriate pipeline for the deal from the outset.
      • Let's get back to deals list and explore searching , sorting deals & apply filters on deals.

      Pipeline Management-complete guide

      Step by step guide to manage pipeline

      Create a deal

      • Navigate to deals through the icon in the sidebar, you will find the +ADD button in the interface to create new deals . Click on the button to create a new deal .
      • While few details are optional to create a deal , we've hidden them for your ease of use. you can still see the optional fields by clicking on the view optional fields as shown below .
      • Enter deal details 
      • Once you are done entering the details, hit the "Submit" button.
      • Don't stress over uncertain details—we've got you covered. You can edit a deal anytime before it reaches the closed state. Keep in mind, if you are trying to edit company , clear the contact first, as they are dependent fields. You can also find the guide for editing a deal in this documentation.
      • Now that you have entered deal details and submitted , you have created a new brand deal and you can see it in your deal list as shown below.

      View Deal Details

      • To view deal details , click on the deal.
      • You will now view a screen similar to below mentioned one, which has all the details associated with deal.
      • Feel free to check out deal specifics, adjust the stage, and note down notes if there's something noteworthy about the deal like when you're making a stage change.
      • We have a track of your notes history, you can check it out from here  
      • You can schedule a call , meeting or field visit with the contact dealing the specific deal , just click on the activity you want to do with the contact.
      • And we fill the specific details for you . Just tell us when you want to schedule the activity , we take the pleasure of reminding you.
      • We show the deal jobs here.

      Edit Deal Details

      • To edit more details of a deal , go to deals list & click on the edit button as shown below

      Thereby , we will redirect you to deal details page where you can edit details Few things before you proceed to edit:

      • As we mentioned before if you are trying to edit company , clear the contact first as they are dependent fields.
      • We can't let you change the pipeline of the deal , once it's created

      Possible Reasons if you are unable to edit a deal :

      • Check the status of company & contact ( we can't let you submit the deal with inactive contact or inactive company ).
      • Check for the stage ( And you can’t edit a deal in its closed stage ( closed win or closed lost ) , for that you need to edit its stage first ).
      • We dont let you edit a deal if the owner of the deal is inactive.

      Once you are done updating the deal details satisfying the above mentioned points , hit on ‘submit’ . Congratulations ! Now you have successfully updated the deal.

      Deal Deactivation & Reactivation

      • For some reason , you may want to deactivate a deal.
      • To do that you can just go to the deals list and click on the deactivate button as shown below.

      Note : You can't deactivate a deal in it’s closed stage ( closed win or closed lost )

      • You can view the inactive deals by setting the status to ‘Inactive’.
      • We store the deactivated deals for you , in case if you want to reactivate the deal you can do it from here .

      How to Access, Create and Edit Deal

      Manage deals like pro!

      When you add a new contact, the form fields that are shown to fill are configured by default. You can customize the contact form by adding custom fields, editing default fields by following this guide


      • contact data points can be customized only  by a user , who has been assigned with role of[ADMIN].
      • All default form fields names are neither editable nor removable.
      • Few default form fields are not editable such as Name, contact Type and Country

      Inorder to view or edit the contact data points, CLICK on admin settings.

      View Contact fields details:

      •  In admin settings, under CRM Modules and Automations, you can view  “Contacts“ card, click on it.
      • Now all the form fields details are shown in a list format, like mentioned below screen.

      Edit Contact fields details

      •  You can add new form fields, or edit already added form fields and also edit a few default fields. Click on the customize button, which is located at the top right side of the screen.
      • You would be navigated to a formbuilder screen, in which you can customize the contact form.

      • Please go through customize form fields document, in order to understand how to edit and add form fields.
      • After making desired changes in the form, you can save the form by clicking the save button present top right in the contact form box.

      Customizing Contacts Data points

      Step-by-Step Guide to Customize Contacts Data Points

      How to filter the Contacts List

      • You can access the contacts filters section by clicking on the icon shown below.
      • You can apply contacts filters on some of the fields of the contacts like First name, Last name, Email, Contact id, Contact Number etc and click on the apply icon shown below then you can view the contacts list with applied filters. You can reset filters and apply new filters.
      • After applying the filters the contact list will be changed and the filter icon will be highlighted as shown below.

      Filters in Tasks

      • When you click on a row of the contact, you will see that different details associated with a contact, refer this document to understand the screen of contact details.
      • If you click on Tasks tab, you will see a screen like mentioned below.
      • You can apply filter on tasks.

      How to Apply Filters on Contacts

      Apply filters to see the specific contact data of your choice

      Search a Contact

      After creating the contact, you can view the contact in the company list ,you can search the contact with its name as shown below.

      Sort the Contacts List

      Note: You can sort the contact list with respective one column at a time. If sorting is set on one column, then if you try to sort using another column, you will find that sorting gets applied on the latest picked column and sorting that has been previously applied on another column, gets removed.

      • In the header, you can see the arrow marks, you can sort the list with respective to the column chosen. If either of the arrows are not highlighted, that means no sort order is applied on the column.
      • In the header, you can see the upper arrow mark is highlighted, that means sort order is set in descending order.
      • In the header, you can see the  downward arrow mark is highlighted, that means sort order is set in ascending order.

      How to perform Search, Sort Operations on Contacts

      Exploring the Contact List with Search and Sort Operations

      View Contact Details

      • To view contact details , click on the contact. You will see details screen just like mentioned below.

      Configure a activity with Contact

      • Various activities that can be scheduled with the contact are located on the left side of the page. Just click on the activity you want to do with the contact.
      • By default we fill the specific details for you. Just tell us when you want to schedule the activity , we take the pleasure of reminding you.
      • Such completed and scheduled tasks are shown in the tasks tab of the same contact details page.

      View Deals associated with Contact

      • To edit details of a contact , go to contacts list & click on the edit button as shown.
      • Thereby , we will redirect you to contact details page where you can contact details.
      • Once you are updating the contact details , hit on ‘submit’ and you could see the updated contact information in contacts list.

                Note : If you are unable to edit , check for the status of the contact owner . we cant let you submit a contact whose contact owner is inactive .

      Incase , if you are no longer using the contact you can deactivate the contact as shown.

      We will have a list of your inactive contacts too , if incase you want to reactivate it.

      VIew Contact Details

      step by step guide to view Contacts: In depth guide

      Navigate to Contacts

      • Navigate to contacts through the icon in the sidebar, you will find the +ADD button in the interface to create new contacts.
      • Click on the button to create a new contact.

      Add a Contact

      • Fill the respective fields.
      • While few details are optional to create a contact, we've hidden them for your ease of use. you can still see the optional fields by clicking on the view optional fields as shown below .
      • Once you are done entering the details, hit the "Submit" button.
      • Don't stress over uncertain details—we've got you covered. You can also find the guide for editing a contact in this documentation.
      • Now that you have entered contact details and submitted , you have created a new contact and you can see it in your contacts list.

      How to add a New Contact

      Step by step guide to add a contact

      When you add a new company, the form fields that are shown to fill are configured by default. You can customize the company form by adding custom fields, editing default fields by following this guide.


      • Company data points can be customized only  by a user , who has been assigned with role of[ADMIN].
      • All default form fields names are neither editable nor removable.
      • Few default form fields are not editable such as Name, Company Type and Country.

      In order to view or edit the Company data points, CLICK on admin settings.

      View Company fields details:

      •  In admin settings, under CRM Modules and Automations, you can view  “Companies“ card, click on it
      • Now all the form fields details are shown in a list format, like mentioned below screen.

      Edit Company fields details

      • You can add new form fields, or edit already added form fields and also edit a few default fields. Click on the customize button, which is located at the top right side of the screen.
      • You would be navigated to a formbuilder screen, in which you can customize the Company form.
      • Please go through customize form fields document, in order to understand how to edit and add form fields.
      • After making desired changes in the form, you can save the form by clicking the save button present top right in the company form box.

      Customizing Company Data points

      Step-by-Step Guide to Customize Company Data Points

      How to filter the Companies

      • You can access the companies filters section by clicking on the icon shown below.
      • You can apply company filters on some of the fields of the company like name ,address, company type, company code, website, email id, etc and click on the apply icon shown below then you can view the companies list with applied filters. You can reset filters and apply new filters.
      • After applying the filters the companies list will be changed and the filter icon will be highlighted as shown below.

      Filter Companies based on different parameter values

      Apply Comprehensive Filters to Company Lists

      After creating the company ,you can view the company in the company list ,you can search the company with its name as shown below.

      Sort the Companies List

      Note: You can sort the companies list with respective one column at a time. If sorting is set on one column , then if you try to sort using another column, you will find that sorting gets applied on the latest picked column and sorting that has been previously applied on another column, gets removed.

      • In the header, you can see the arrow marks, you can sort the list with respective to the column chosen. If either of the arrows are not highlighted, that means no sort order is applied on the column.
      • In the header, you can see the upper arrow mark is highlighted, that means sort order is set in descending order.

      • In the header, you can see the  downward arrow mark is highlighted, that means sort order is set in ascending order.

      How to perform Search and Sort Operations

      Exploring the Company List with Search and Sort Operations

      Create a Company

      Create a new company by clicking on the “Add” button which will take you to the company addition form where users can fill in the details.

      • Clicking on the optional fields will open the non mandatory fields which users can fill or leave and submit to create a new company.
      • Users can also create multiple companies with save and submit so that each company can be created one after the other by submitting the details.

      How to Add a New Company

      Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Company Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Company

      How to navigate to Companies

      • To access companies head over to the menu and click on the companies section as shown below.
      • This will give the list of companies that are present in the organization. We can add new companies or do actions on the existing companies from this screen.

      Detailed View of Companies

      • Company Detail view can be seen by clicking on the company otherwise clicking on the view icon on each company.
      • This will take you to the company detail section in which detailed information like basic details, contacts, etc. can be viewed.
      • In Basic Details all the company fields as well as custom fields can also be viewed.
      • In the company's details view ,you can view the contacts associated with this company ,by clicking on the contacts as shown below.
      • The contacts list will appear as shown below and you can apply filters and you can search contact by its name ,you can add contact to this company.
      • You can view the deals associated with the single company by clicking on the deals as shown below.
      • You can view deals list view associated with this company, you can create a deal and can search deals with its name and apply deal filters.
      • You can view the tasks associated with the company by clicking on the tasks as shown below.
      • You can view tasks and apply filters like ALL,COMPLETED,OVERDUE on tasks.

      Access Companies and detailed view of Company

      Access Detailed Company Information

      Activity Widget

      • This consists of the list of activities and jobs that can be performed and also shows the upcoming jobs.
      • On clicking the ‘+ button  a pop is shown, which opens the activity widget. 

      Field Visit

      • Field Visit is a physical visit to a place which can be done right now or can be scheduled for later.
      • On clicking Field Visit a form with different sections is opened.

        In the first section of details the initiator of the visit which is the user, participants, name and description are taken.

      • In the Second section the form associated with the initiator and the primary participant is shown, which should be filled in the field visit.
      • In the last section, it shows the list of jobs which can be performed in the visit.
      • All these details can be filled right away and complete a field visit instantly.
      • On clicking the Schedule Later  toggle button, opens scheduling form in which an activity can be scheduled for one time or a recurring activity with a specified frequency.
      • A recurring activity creates the activity according to the schedule until the end.


      • Similar to field visit, call also has the same procedure.
      • On clicking Call  from the activity widget, the same form will be opened.
      • On selecting a participant we can find a call button, on clicking a call can be instantiated between the user and the participant.


      • Similar to field visit, call also has the same procedure.
      • On clicking Meeting  in the activity widget, the same form will be opened.
      • Meetings can also be completed instantly or can be scheduled for later.


      •  On clicking Mail from the activity widget, a form or an email composer will be opened from which an instant mail can be sent to any of the users.
      • By filling the required fields like subject, message and participants, email can be composed and sent after clicking Submit.


      • In the jobs section there are Deals, Product Demo, orders(Upcoming) and Surver(Upcoming).


      • On clicking deals, it redirects to the corresponding Deals page, which shows all the deals in a list format and an ADD button to add a new deal.

        Product demo

      • On clicking product demo, it redirects to the corresponding Products page, which shows all the products in a list format and an ADD button to add a new product.

      Adding Task and Activity Widget

      Efficiently Manage Tasks and Engagements


      Stay informed with our Notifications! It's your go-to destination for updates and important messages. 

      Here's a quick guide on how to access and use the Notifications: 

      Locate the Notifications: Look for the bell icon, typically located in the top-right corner of the screen. It might be represented by a bell

      Click on the Notification Icon: Once you've located the Notifications icon, click on it to open the Notifications. 

      Viewing Notifications: Notifications you haven't read yet will be displayed prominently. If you want to access all notifications you can click on the “See all Notifications” link. You can click on “tick” icon at the top in order to mark all notifications as read.

      Here you can access all your notifications. You can mark them as read by clicking the “Mark as read” button.

      Click to Open: Some notifications can be clicked to open more details or take you to the relevant section of the website.

       You may receive notifications about upcoming tasks,Import status or other relevant information. 

      Complete guide to Access and understand Notifications

      Stay Informed and Organized

      Your user profile is your personalized space where you can manage your account settings, preferences, and more. Follow these steps to access and make the most out of your user profile:

      Locate the User Profile Icon

      Look for the user icon or your profile picture, typically located in the top-right corner of the screen. It might be represented by an avatar and your initials. 

      Click on the User Profile Icon: Once you've found the User Profile icon, click on it to open your personalized profile menu. Here you can see basic information about your email ,name 

      And Organization Information. You will be provided with an option to go to the Support section. Logout button will be provided at the bottom of the profile section.

      Navigating Your User Profile

      Profile Information: View your basic profile information such as your name, email address ,profile picture and other details.  If you want to edit details you can click on the edit icon at the top it will redirect to the edit section you can update details from there.

      How to Access User profile

      User Profile: Access and Manage effortlessly

      Menu Bar

      • Menu bar is a place where all the features of the system are listed out.
      • Here it is placed at the left side of the website, which has two modes.
      • One is a collapsed view of all the features, on hovering a feature its child features are shown if it has any.
      • Another one is an expanded view where all the features are visible with their names and also their sub features.


      Navigate using Menu-Complete Guide

      Explore features effortlessly with our menu

      Pipeline Coverage

      Click on edit.

      Give Target Value.

      Click on the tick mark.

      5.4 cr is the projected revenue for revenue target of 70 k using history % of win conversion.

      As actual new lead is more than target value of predicted so we achieved new lead so it is green.same in rest other cases.

      5.4 cr is the projected revenue for revenue target of 7 cr using history % of win conversion.

      As actual new lead is more than target value of predicted so we achieved new lead so it is green.same in demo stage case as well. But in commercial we need 12.3 cr as per history actual amount is 9.4 cr so here it is red as it is not achieved.

      • Predicted to win: according to your history prediction of winning deal is calculated and displayed.
      • When you give target revenue it will predict according to your history it will predict to win.
      • Target is calculated on history %.
      • Actual  is current value at that time  only win will be calculated on the basis of current stages with respect to history.

      Pipeline Coverage

      Pipeline Precision: Actual vs. Target Revenue Analysis

      Leader-Board and KPIs

      • It gives a quick summary about how many deals were made by the user , how much deal amount and who is leading in the leaderboard with respect to deals won, deals amount won, total no of deals made.


      • In my dashboard every KPI/ Card is related to his performance , compliance.
      • Today's task-  here total tasks scheduled for today and completed will be shown.
      • Yesterdays tasks-here total tasks scheduled yesterday and completed will be shown.
      • New contacts -  contacts added -shown month wise.
      • New companies  -  companies  added -shown month wise.
      • New Deals  -  No of deals created -month wise.
      • Top Deals -  list of top 5 companies which won most deals.
      • Hot Deals - List of deals which were open for so long.

      Leaderboard and KPIS

      Empower Performance with Leaderboards and KPIs


      • Which shows the progress or the current status of all the activities taking place like, field visits, calls , meetings , deals , company and contact generation and few of the summarized analysis on deals.
      • All these are categorized into Key Performance Indicators(KPI’s) and tables which are visualized in the form of charts, graphs and tables.

      My DashBoard

        In my dashboard every KPI/ Card is related to his performance , compliance.

      • Today's task-  here total tasks scheduled for today and completed will be shown.
      • Yesterdays tasks-here total tasks scheduled yesterday and completed will be shown.
      • New contacts -  contacts added -shown month wise.
      • New companies  -  companies  added -shown month wise.
      • New Deals  -  No of deals created -month wise.
      • Top Deals -  list of top 5 companies which won most deals.
      • Hot Deals - List of deals which were open for so long

      Demo Dashboard

      • Initially a demo dashboard is shown which consists of static or fixed data to show the look of all the kpis, charts and tables when they have enough data.
      • Both demo and original dashboard looks the same where only difference is demo dashboard is generated with fixed data and original dashboard is generated with original and updated data of the user.
      • On clicking View My Dashboard, the user dashboard will be shown.

      Dashboard Overview

      Navigating Your Dashboard: A Comprehensive Overview

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