Schedule a task

Schedule a task effortlessly

This comprehensive guide explains the two primary methods of task scheduling in Thriwin CRM - Schedule for Now and Schedule for Later.

Schedule for Now

  • Description:
    • Tasks completed immediately after form submission
    • Instantly added to the timeline
    • No future scheduling involved
  • Screenshot: (Screenshot 1: Activity form with 'Schedule Later' option not selected)
  • Key Points:
    • Immediate task completion
    • Automatically marked as completed
    • Instantly reflects in timeline

Schedule for Later

Non-Recurring Task

  • Description:
    • One-time task scheduling
    • Scheduled for a specific future date
    • Scheduled Type: One Time
  • Screenshot: (Screenshot 2: Non-recurring task scheduling interface)
  • Key Features:
    • Select specific date and time
    • Single occurrence of task
    • Flexibility to modify task details
  • Screenshot: (Screenshot 3: One-time task configuration)

Recurring Task

  • Description:
    • Multiple occurrence task scheduling
    • Repeated at specified intervals
    • Scheduled Type: Recurring
  • Screenshot: (Screenshot 4: Recurring task scheduling interface)
  • Key Features:
    • Define recurrence pattern
    • Set frequency (daily, weekly, monthly)
    • Customize task repetition
  • Screenshot: (Screenshot 5: Recurring task configuration options)

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

  • Issue 1: Unable to schedule task
    • Solution: Ensure all required fields are completed
  • Issue 2: Incorrect task scheduling
    • Solution: Double-check date, time, and recurrence settings


  • Question 1: Can I change a scheduled task after creation?
    • Answer: Yes, you can modify task details before and after scheduling
  • Question 2: What's the difference between one-time and recurring tasks?
    • Answer: One-time tasks occur once, while recurring tasks repeat at specified intervals

Scheduling Flexibility

  • Users can modify all fields according to their specific task requirements
  • Comprehensive control over task scheduling and management

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