Following a Thread

from navigation to replying a mail-we got you covered everything

Following a thread

  • Below screen is the default look of your mailbox.
  • The options in this screen are as follows.
    • Sent - All the emails that you have sent will show up in this tab, the unread emails will be denoted with a blue indicator on the right.
    • Inbox - All the emails that you have received will show up in this tab, the unread emails will be denoted with a blue indicator on the right.
    • Trash - The emails that you have manually moved to trash in the CRM portal will display in the trash tab.
    • Sync - The refresh icon to the right of the screen is used to sync the mailboxes, which will pull any new email you might’ve received and send you a notification.
    • Mark Read - The icon next to sync can be used to mark any email as read. You can check any number of emails and click this button to mark them as read.
    • Trash - The icon next to mark read can be used to move emails to trash. You can check any number of emails and click this button to move them to Trash.
    • Filter - The filter on the top right corner of the screen can be used to filter the emails based on your connected mailboxes.
  • Settings - The mail settings button is just next to the filter icon will open the settings page which has been discussed in detail here.

Reply to a Mail

  • Now let’s look at the message details in a thread as shown in the screenshot below.
  • The mails in a thread appear in descending order, that is the recent mail is shown on top followed by older mails. The “Subject” of the email is shown on top and next to it you can reply or reply all to the last mail by clicking on the arrow buttons in blue. Alternatively you can reply or reply all to individual mails by clicking the arrow icons next to the email.
  • Reply - Replying to only the sender of an email.
  • Reply All - Replying to all participants including Cc users but not Bcc users.