Reports Overview

Download Reports effortlessly!

Overview of Reports

  • Download reports of various entities such as companies, contacts, lists, beats, deals and products, at your finger tips.
  • Firstly, in the menu bar, click on the reports


  •  If the option of reports in the menu bar is not visible to you, it is because of the permissions, kindly contact your admin to get access of reports.
  • Currently, reports are delivered via email for your convenience. You won't be able to download them directly from the Reports section at this moment.

  • Now, click on the respective entity, of which which you would like to download the report.
  • A popup appears, asking you to confirm whether to export the respective report.
  •  Once your report is prepared, we'll send the report  directly to your inbox.
  • You can also download the reports by going to specific page of that entity and you will see icon to export the reports.
  • Suppose you would like to download the report of contacts, then click the icon that looks like an icon mentioned in below screen.