How to Create a Beat

Creation of a beat made simple - Step by Step Guide

Adding New Beat

  • Adding a new beat is creating a schedule as required and adding tasks in the beat.
  • On clicking the ADD button we can add a new beat.
  • On clicking the ADD button, the screen will be navigated to beat addition which consists of two sections.
  • First one is schedule information for the beat.
  • In this section the schedule information is taken, the summary of the schedule is shown at the end in Summary.
  • In the second section the task addition to the beat is done.
  • On clicking the Add Task button a popup is opened which takes the task information
  • We can add multiple participants at a time to create activities with all the participants.
  • We can use LISTS here.
  • On selecting lists from entities and selecting a required list in participants will create the activity individually with all the members in the list.
  • After clicking on the Add button, all the added tasks will be shown in the Tasks section.
  • After all the tasks are listed as above, we can delete a task if not necessary in the beat from here.
  • On clicking the delete icon beside every task, a task can be deleted from the beat.
  • Before deleting the task a confirmation pop up is shown.
  • After adding all the required tasks, clicking on the SUBMIT button creates the beat with the tasks added.
  • Beat can be used to schedule different activities to different contacts / companies.
  • You cannot assign duplicate i.e.; same activity and same entity like company or contact to same user for a beat