How to Compose an Email

Step by Step Guide

    How to Compose a Mail

    • You can click on the compose button, present at top left side of the screen to start composing an email.
    • Alternatively as displayed in below screen, you can also start composing an email by clicking the Add Activities > Mail on the toolbar to start composing an email.
    • Similar to screen mentioned below, a pop up shows up when clicked on compose mail, the required fields are as follows:-
    • From - The “from” field is used to select the email id from which you intend to send the email, the selection will be from the list of emails that you have connected.
    • To - The “To” field is used to select the user to whom you want to send the email, you will be able to search all the users in the tenant and contacts assigned to you. Alternatively you can also just type the email of any user if they do not exist in the CRM system.
    • Cc - The “Cc” field is used to select the user to whom you want to send the email as a carbon copy, you will be able to search all the users in the tenant and contacts assigned to you. Alternatively you can also just type the email of any user if they do not exist in the CRM system.
    • Bcc - The “Bcc” field is used to select the user to whom you want to send the email as a blind carbon copy, you will be able to search all the users in the tenant and contacts assigned to you. Alternatively you can also just type the email of any user if they do not exist in the CRM system.
    • Subject - The “Subject” field is used to describe the subject regarding which you are sending the particular email.
    • Body - The “body” field is used to describe the contents of the email. Also it comes with a few formatting options like Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Number list and Bullet list respectively.
    • Attachment - The paperclip icon in blue can be used to add any attachments to your email, you can select any file from your system to be sent as an attachment as seen in the screenshot below.
    • Signatures - The pencil icon at the bottom can be used to select signatures as can be seen in the screenshot below.