How to Access Beats

Step by Step guide to access beats

Beats Overview

  • Beat is a defined schedule with required frequency, which can be used for creating or scheduling activities in a recurring manner.
  • Beats helps to create multiple activities in a recurring manner instead creating each activity manually.
  • Beats are similar to schedules, but a beat can be assigned to a single user unlike schedules.
  • On clicking Beats from the side menu, we can see the list of beats which are created.

Beat Details

  • On clicking any of the beat rows or selecting the view option from clicking the three dots the details of the beat can be seen.
  • On clicking the VIEW button, the beat details along with the tasks associated with the beat are shown.

In Beat details there are two sections:

  • First one is Beat Details, which shows the schedule related information which is used to create the beat.


  • Second one is Tasks, this shows the list of tasks associated with the beat.
  • Deleting a task from the beat is done here.
  • The delete button associated with each of the activity will help to delete the activity.
  • On clicking the Delete icon show below
  • This will ask for a confirmation before deleting the activity permanently from the beat.
  • Deleting a task from beat will not affect the already completed tasks but will not create the new tasks after deleting.