Leaderboard and KPIS

Empower Performance with Leaderboards and KPIs

Leader-Board and KPIs

  • It gives a quick summary about how many deals were made by the user , how much deal amount and who is leading in the leaderboard with respect to deals won, deals amount won, total no of deals made.


  • In my dashboard every KPI/ Card is related to his performance , compliance.
  • Today's task-  here total tasks scheduled for today and completed will be shown.
  • Yesterdays tasks-here total tasks scheduled yesterday and completed will be shown.
  • New contacts -  contacts added -shown month wise.
  • New companies  -  companies  added -shown month wise.
  • New Deals  -  No of deals created -month wise.
  • Top Deals -  list of top 5 companies which won most deals.
  • Hot Deals - List of deals which were open for so long.