Complete guide to Access and understand Notifications

Stay Informed and Organized


Stay informed with our Notifications! It's your go-to destination for updates and important messages. 

Here's a quick guide on how to access and use the Notifications: 

Locate the Notifications: Look for the bell icon, typically located in the top-right corner of the screen. It might be represented by a bell

Click on the Notification Icon: Once you've located the Notifications icon, click on it to open the Notifications. 

Viewing Notifications: Notifications you haven't read yet will be displayed prominently. If you want to access all notifications you can click on the “See all Notifications” link. You can click on “tick” icon at the top in order to mark all notifications as read.

Here you can access all your notifications. You can mark them as read by clicking the “Mark as read” button.

Click to Open: Some notifications can be clicked to open more details or take you to the relevant section of the website.

 You may receive notifications about upcoming tasks,Import status or other relevant information.