Adding Task and Activity Widget

Efficiently Manage Tasks and Engagements

Activity Widget

  • This consists of the list of activities and jobs that can be performed and also shows the upcoming jobs.
  • On clicking the ‘+ button  a pop is shown, which opens the activity widget. 

Field Visit

  • Field Visit is a physical visit to a place which can be done right now or can be scheduled for later.
  • On clicking Field Visit a form with different sections is opened.

  In the first section of details the initiator of the visit which is the user, participants, name and description are taken.

  • In the Second section the form associated with the initiator and the primary participant is shown, which should be filled in the field visit.
  • In the last section, it shows the list of jobs which can be performed in the visit.
  • All these details can be filled right away and complete a field visit instantly.
  • On clicking the Schedule Later  toggle button, opens scheduling form in which an activity can be scheduled for one time or a recurring activity with a specified frequency.
  • A recurring activity creates the activity according to the schedule until the end.


  • Similar to field visit, call also has the same procedure.
  • On clicking Call  from the activity widget, the same form will be opened.
  • On selecting a participant we can find a call button, on clicking a call can be instantiated between the user and the participant.


  • Similar to field visit, call also has the same procedure.
  • On clicking Meeting  in the activity widget, the same form will be opened.
  • Meetings can also be completed instantly or can be scheduled for later.


  •  On clicking Mail from the activity widget, a form or an email composer will be opened from which an instant mail can be sent to any of the users.
  • By filling the required fields like subject, message and participants, email can be composed and sent after clicking Submit.


  • In the jobs section there are Deals, Product Demo, orders(Upcoming) and Surver(Upcoming).


  • On clicking deals, it redirects to the corresponding Deals page, which shows all the deals in a list format and an ADD button to add a new deal.

  Product demo

  • On clicking product demo, it redirects to the corresponding Products page, which shows all the products in a list format and an ADD button to add a new product.