How to Sync Mails

step by step guide to sync mails

How to Sync Mails

  •  You can use the sync option as shown in the screenshot below to sync the contents of the mailbox immediately. Although there is a default sync for every 15 mins you can do this operation to sync your mailbox immediately.
  • When you click on sync mail you will receive all the replies, messages from the mails you connected. Any incoming emails will show up as an unread email with a blue dot to the right of the email.

What messages will be pulled?

  • Replies for emails that you have sent.
  • Emails you have sent to your contacts or users across the tenant from the respective email client.
  • Emails that any of your contact or user across the tenant has sent you and you are part of the message, i.e. recipient, Cc or Bcc.