Calls Overview

Step by Step Guide- Scheduling Calls & Meetings made Simpler

How do I schedule a call/meeting in the CRM

  • To schedule a call/meeting, go to the + button at the top of the navigation bar and click on the "Call/Meeting" button.
  • Fill in the required details such as date, time, participants, and agenda.
  • Click "Save" to confirm the scheduling.

How to instantly call a specific person

  • Go to specific contacts/companies and click on call symbol.

How can I join a scheduled call/meeting

  • You can join a scheduled call/meeting by accessing the calendar or schedule section in the CRM.
  • Click on the specific call/meeting you want to join and select the "Join" option.

How do I track call/meeting activities and follow-ups

  • All call/meeting activities and follow-ups are logged automatically in the CRM.
  • Navigate to the main timeline or timeline of the respective contact, lead, or opportunity to view the details.

How do I get analytics of calls and meetings

  • Go to the calls and meetings section and then navigate to a particular call or meeting detail then click generate analytics.